So Why TeamName!

The name started while playing in tourneys with buddies… like most people we are pretty bad at coming up with names, so as a laugh I went with the simplest option and it stuck ever since, TeamName was born!

So Who TeamName!

The Org was started out of a love for gaming and the joy of the crazy highs and crushing lows that comes from the competitive scene.
I have been around gaming for a very long time, I still remember hitting up the arcades to throw my pocket money into an arcade machine and try for that high score, get my name in lights!….. or at least beat my buddies, damn noobs! haha

After years of following the competitive scene in games like Rocket League and watching Orgs come and go, I wanted to attempt to make a player and community focused Org, that could stick around and give people an underdog team to root for! I put it off for years because l suffer from the same fears as most, fear of failure, fear of a dream not being what you thought it would…. and the list goes on.

…BUT thanks to the support of some fantastic people and the realisation that ‘if you never try, you have already failed’ which was the jolt that was needed! So, here we are and hopefully to stay for a long LONG time to come!

So What TeamName!

As this is a grassroots Org, not a company with backers and large investment, but by people who simply love gaming! We are going to start slow and build up over time with the support of a fantastic community that will grow with us.
To start we will focus on Rocket League, and if all goes well we will look at expanding into other completive games…. the sky is the theoretical limit!

And Lastly!

I just want to take this opportunity to say thanks, if you are here supporting the Org or just having a look to see what it is all about… you are truly appreciated and l hope we do you proud!

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